2nd Public Consultation Euribor®

16 October 2018

On 17th October 2018, The European Money Markets Institute published the Second Consultation Paper on a Hybrid Methodology for Euribor®. The Consultation Paper presented the findings after the conclusion of the Hybrid Euribor® Testing Phase, the exercise performed by The European Money Markets Institute between May and July 2018 to test its proposed Hybrid Methodology for Euribor®. This Consultation was part of the commitment to deliver a reformed and robust methodology for Euribor®, which aims to meet regulatory and stakeholder expectations in a timely manner.

The consultation period closed on Friday, 30th November 2018, and the Institute received 37 responses from a range of institutions, including banks, trade associations, infrastructure providers, consultancy firms, and other respondents.

On the 12th February 2019, The European Money Markets Institute published the summary of stakeholder feedback on the Second Consultation Paper on a Hybrid Methodology for Euribor®. At the same time, we also published a blueprint of the methodology, targetted to non-expert audiences and aimed at providing further transparency and clarity on the hybrid methodology.

On 19th February, the Institute released the time series of the Hybrid Euribor® Testing Phase. The methodology employed to derive these rates is presented in the final blueprint.


Press statement | February 2019  

Communication | February 2019


Blueprint Euribor® Hybrid Methodology 

Euribor Reform | February 2019


Hybrid Methodology Euribor® Testing Phase Rates

Communication | February 2019